Photography by

BEAR Houston Photography


17 years Old


Amberlyn has a sweet and easygoing personality. But don’t let that fool you! She is magnetic and draws people in, making friends easily. Amberlyn is remarkable in that she is not trying to grow up too fast and is intent on being present to experience each day of her life. This is the gift she gives those around her. She is unassuming and inviting, and she invites you to also be present for each moment of your own life. Her slow smile and quiet joy can fill a room! It’s easy to see why kids and adults alike love being around her! She loves reading, attending high school football games, and hanging out with her friends. She’s a budding musician, loves to perform for friends, and is learning to play the guitar!

Amberlyn’s forever family will be committed to knowing her and letting themselves be known. More than anything, she desires connection with her forever family. She would love an active family that does activities together (fun food experiences are one of her favorite things), she’d love siblings, and she will thrive with a strong, encouraging, female caregiver. Her family will support her dreams and advocate for her needs. She has dreams and can break those down into small goals to make them come true! But she would love a family who encourages her in this and stands beside her. She is highly self-motivated and does well with independence, but also wants people to share life with.