Photography by

Dunlap Portrait


13 years Old


Bring out the shades and the sun tan. Hannah is a very playful, spontaneous, and outgoing girl. Like other kids her age, she likes to get her way at times and can be very thoughtful and giving once she bonds to you. She like to be involved in many activities that engages her attention. She can be very strong minded, determined and on top of the world one minute and on her bad days she can benefit from patience and redirection to get back on track. Hannah enjoys being outdoors and participating in outdoor activities. Hannah likes funny animal videos, playing games with others, and riding her bike. Hannah is a very big Elsa fan. Hannah will be a great addition to loving and caring forever family.

Hannah's forever family will be resourceful and a great advocate on her behalf. Her forever family is consistent, patience, has a sense of humor. Her forever family will love her unconditionally.

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This information will be sent to the child's case worker so that they can contact your licensing agency for a copy of your home study to be considered as a placement for this child.